+38 (097) 900-03-81 @detectiveUkraine ua.detective ua.detective@bk.ru

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Kaverin Andrianik Mushegovich

Good afternoon!
I express my gratitude for the work done!
Worked quickly and in time!
All questions in Ukraine will be solved only…

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Vasilyev Oleg Leonidovich

I believe that I was lucky that I turned to you. I saw your professional competence, responsibility and humanity in respect. Everything was done quickly,…

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Alexander Ocher

I wanted to find the girl I saw for the last time in 1993. An independent search did not give any results due to a change in surname and place of residence.…

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Let us find out the location of the person on the phone

The mobile phone has already become quite commonplace, which is almost every purse and every pocket. But this device not only allows at any time to contact his owner, and he pretty much can "tell" about its owner.

We can help you keep an eye on the man on the phone

The people who are responsible for its disabled and elderly relatives, many more than we can imagine with you.

To detect the location of phone

You can not get through to your child to see how he was doing and where he is in principle? This sense of panic in these situations familiar to almost all parents either.


Detective agency in Stry​

Detective agency in Stry already many years carries out the detective activity on the territory of Ukraine, and if the need arises, then beyond. Our agency - is not just an organization, but a whole team of professionals who know and love their job. Each private detective agency in Stry has very extensive experience in government and various law enforcement units, which greatly affects the successful implementation of virtually every order, which come to us by our clients. A basic principle is the agency is only exceptionally individual approach to customers, because even common situations are always unique and have its pitfalls, which certainly must be provided. Over the years, we have been able to accumulate quite a serious credibility and reputation of reliable partners, which is always and in every situation you can rely on. And that is why, in our detective agency always have a job. But, despite the abundance of orders, we have the resources to provide maximum assistance to you.

Services for legal entities

Almost every company that appealed to us to perform any one-time orders, become our regular customer, with whom we work to this day. It already is a definite indicator of our reliability and relevance of the services of our detective agency in this complex world of business where a very important role is played by a competent and timely collection of information. Moreover, our experts can collect information not only about your potential partners and clients for their reliability and solvency, but also on the state of the market at the moment, the prospect of the release of your company or that type of product, as well as many other important successful business issues.

Of course, a major role in the success of any company also plays and staff who work at the company. But, unfortunately, very often the case that the company arranged disgruntled employees, or those who deliberately want to harm you by someone's order. Part of a wave of recruitment and use spies to get closer to the source of the necessary information for your competitors. We are ready not only to conduct a polygraph test all applicants who want to work for you, but also to closely monitor all of your equipment and in principle office for the presence of sources of information leakage. Lie detector will allow almost instantly detect intruders or people who can only hurt you. But check the premises to detect listening devices can safely be called antiproslushkoy, because it allows to detect wiretapping of mobile phones, different types of bugs and many other devices that usually Applicability spy who organized professional surveillance of a person.

Including you can also use the services of our lawyers, if you have a need to check the production of documents for compliance with the laws and the absence of any hidden issues that can lead you to the most undesirable consequences.

Services for individuals

Services for individuals, we demand no less than for companies. And there is also provided a fairly wide range of our capabilities, given that ordinary citizens can also use our lie detector test ordered premises and search for bugs, and more. But basically come to us in the most critical situations. In particular, if the customer lost loved one at home. We will not talk in detail about the reasons, because in each situation they own. But it is necessary to say that in this matter very important role played by efficiency. The faster you do will come back to order people wanted, the sooner we will start searching for relatives. We conduct the search for people by name, not only in the city of Stry or in Ukraine, but all over the world, if the situation comes to such a limit. In this direction, we work closely with our colleagues around the world, which help us to find by name or find a person by phone number.

Another problem, which is very concerned about many of our customers and clients - it's infidelity. Nobody wants to be deceived by the man she loves. And no matter how it was hard, but it is better to face the truth and admit that someone who you care about, change. But of course, that this should be done in the presence of reliable data on the change of the husband or wife. And to get the data you just have to order the identification of infidelity husband or wife in our detective agency in Stry. Agree that it's much better to professionals photographic surveillance conducted during the inspection of loyalty than you'll spend your time on surveillance and attempts to find in the phone database of people who can be your competitors or rivals. Especially since it is unlikely that your wife so openly will leave the number of your lover. For us, there is no conspiracy is irrelevant and does not hurt to get the data that will allow you to make a decision to file for divorce because of infidelity women or men or not.





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