+38 (097) 900-03-81 @detectiveUkraine ua.detective ua.detective@bk.ru

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ru ua de fr cn es it

I had to go to work. Child left with a babysitter. Kid became what - that moody. There are bruises. Experienced, did not want to give up work, and the…

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Tetyana Mykhailivna Getmanenko

Many thanks to the detective for his help, effective investigation and positive result. From the very beginning of the investigation, he showed an active…

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My husband disappeared and all my attempts to find him were unsuccessful! Traveled all along and across. Presented the worst that could ever be. Contacted…

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Let us find out the location of the person on the phone

The mobile phone has already become quite commonplace, which is almost every purse and every pocket. But this device not only allows at any time to contact his owner, and he pretty much can "tell" about its owner.

We can help you keep an eye on the man on the phone

The people who are responsible for its disabled and elderly relatives, many more than we can imagine with you.

To detect the location of phone

You can not get through to your child to see how he was doing and where he is in principle? This sense of panic in these situations familiar to almost all parents either.


Detective agency in Fastow

Despite the fact that the city is not Fastow cities of regional importance, the number of different problems faced by its inhabitants, no less than in any other major city. And in connection with this private detective services are no less in demand than in any other village.

Verification of candidates for work in the city Fastow

Checking the candidates today is very popular and in demand procedures that are not only the owners of the enterprises, but also individuals who are forced to hire nannies for their children, drivers, gardeners and other staff. Trust people every day becomes more and more dangerous and more dangerous. There is no guarantee that the person who wants to work your personal assistant, yes, even just as a cleaner in your company, not a spy who specifically want to introduce your company to the ranks of your competitors. And our goal is to produce a complete collection of information about that person and make sure that it does not represent any danger for you. But besides the fact that we can just punch the person to know about his previous job, the presence or absence of a criminal record and find out any other information, we have a unique opportunity to use for this purpose the lie detector.

And in this case, a polygraph test may be, and a warning character. When one understands how serious you approach to doing business, in the future, he is unlikely to risk taking against you some action. And even if you come up with the offenses in the enterprise, with the commission of a particular type of crime, it is a lie detector will help quite quickly identify the culprit and bring him to justice. Polygraph test can be carried out both in our office and in your area. We are always working hard so that our clients as comfortable as possible.

Your information security

Running and most expensive currency has always been information. And today she is in demand as ever, especially in a tough business. But in our detective agency in Fastow has all the necessary resources to ensure your maximum safety. The most important thing to you in a timely manner have turned to us for help, and do not miss the moment when your data will be known attackers. Our experts in the field of information technology are always ready to advise you on the security of information on the computers of your company, so that no hacker can not get into your database. If such entry has occurred, we know perfectly well how it is possible to calculate this hacker and neutralize it. A major role in addressing these issues plays and check the premises to detect eavesdropping devices. In our detective agency in Fastow periodically come to the question whether there is a unique antiproslushka, which is able to detect and prevent the interception of mobile phones. But we always say that the surest way to deal with such espionage - a professional search for bugs. Therefore, with so many companies we are working on a permanent contract basis, which allows them to completely do not worry about the fact that someone can listen to telephone conversations and other conversations that are conducted in the offices of our clients. Magic button in this field does not exist. But there is the opportunity to interact with the best specialists who work in our detective agency.

But to identify and eliminate the source of surveillance of a person - this is only half of the case. It is equally important in such matters wanted to spend the people who fought for your surveillance and work with databases of people from your phone company. In this issue you can also count on our part. We will conduct a full investigation and will be able to find a person by phone number, and find out his address on the phone, which is in the process something to do. In addition, we are always ready to conduct a search of relatives of your family if you suddenly there was such a need. And in case you're not just looking for people by name, but are ready to test your relationship through DNA testing.

Find by name and find out any information we are ready and a lover of your spouse, if you are sure that she is cheating on you. Adultery - is another often enough about the treatment of the detective agency. Anyone who wants to be sure that it is not cheating. And get reliable evidence of the absence of the husband or wife of infidelity only if an experienced qualified to hold photographic surveillance. Our identification of infidelity husband or wife will give you all the facts so you can feel free to file for divorce because of infidelity women or men. But it is important to check for loyalty are held by professionals of our agency.






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