+38 (097) 900-03-81 @detectiveUkraine ua.detective ua.detective@bk.ru

Do you want to remain anonymous? Call us - can work incognito.

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Decided to buy a car, and friends intimidated that can be stolen. Since the seller has agreed that it is necessary to check. Struck quickly - all normal.…

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I express my heartfelt gratitude to the staff of the detective agency "Ukraine Private Detective." Found my own sister, with whom we have been separated…

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Recently my husband and I finally decided to buy a home of your own, of course in the mortgage, and even in the building. But so far dealt with this…

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Let us find out the location of the person on the phone

The mobile phone has already become quite commonplace, which is almost every purse and every pocket. But this device not only allows at any time to contact his owner, and he pretty much can "tell" about its owner.

We can help you keep an eye on the man on the phone

The people who are responsible for its disabled and elderly relatives, many more than we can imagine with you.

To detect the location of phone

You can not get through to your child to see how he was doing and where he is in principle? This sense of panic in these situations familiar to almost all parents either.


Everyone knows this truth, that he who owns the information, owns the world. And actually, if you look at our lives, then it is all built on the basis of certain facts known to us. Want to sign an important contract, but doubt about the integrity of your partner? Start looking for information about his past. Doubt the fidelity of a spouse? Become more alert to the behavior of the second half. Worried about your child? Figure out who he spends his spare time. This is a trivial example, but they all have a place to be in the lives of many of us. That's just to get reliable answers to these and other questions, it is often necessary to use the services of a private detective.

But there are situations in which any brand can help a private detective, and there are moments in which it becomes necessary to help the whole team of experts, and completely different profile. It was such a team and is a detective agency "Private detective Ukraine." A very important point is that we provide detective services not only across Ukraine. Even if you live in Asia or Latin America, it is possible that guest in Europe or Africa, you can still apply to our detective agency with absolutely any of their questions and concerns. And this is due to the fact that we are working with our colleagues around the world, which allows us to perform almost any orders, no matter what level of difficulty they may be. 

Also, the success of our detective agency in Ukraine and is directly in the professionalism and experience of each of our private detective. We never set any boundaries in terms of providing services exclusively private investigator whose job is only to collect important information. Our range of services is wide enough, because we employ psychologists, lawyers, criminologists, polygraph examiners, as well as specialists in other areas of specialization which is connected with the daily operational decisions or completely unexpected problems of our customers. Thus, you can contact us, even if you do not need a private detective service, but you need a bodyguard or collection service. And all the staff of our detective agency have years of experience in their field, each of them are former law enforcement officers, that gives us even more opportunities for quality execution of orders. 

You can apply to absolutely any detective agency in Ukraine, find a private detective who works alone. But it is worth while to realize that a lot of work in this area of scams that are not doing their job one hundred percent, or take much longer than the actual cost of their services. About our detective agency and the work of our detective agents, you can read reviews and, according to our regular customers, conclude - worth to trust us or not. We also offer an affordable and sufficient for virtually every human cost of a private detective. But the choice is still yours. 

If you look at our agency from a legal perspective, we are registered as members of the media, conducting an investigation in the context of information gathering. 



«No promises - just results!»

  • - we are working according to accepted rules of the leading detective agencies;
  • - do not make any empty promises and guarantees for the sake of receiving the order. The guarantee is only the final result;
  • - you can be assured of complete confidentiality.
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