+38 (097) 900-03-81 @detectiveUkraine ua.detective ua.detective@bk.ru

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Alexander Ocher

I wanted to find the girl I saw for the last time in 1993. An independent search did not give any results due to a change in surname and place of residence.…

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I started dating a guy. All was well until my friend did not speak ill of him. With it, you've been friends for 15 years. I told her how to trust yourself.…

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Tatyana Viktorovna Turko

Many thanks to the detective agency "Private detective "Ukraine" for the professionally done work. , attentive attitude, understanding and desire to…

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Let us find out the location of the person on the phone

The mobile phone has already become quite commonplace, which is almost every purse and every pocket. But this device not only allows at any time to contact his owner, and he pretty much can "tell" about its owner.

We can help you keep an eye on the man on the phone

The people who are responsible for its disabled and elderly relatives, many more than we can imagine with you.

To detect the location of phone

You can not get through to your child to see how he was doing and where he is in principle? This sense of panic in these situations familiar to almost all parents either.


Detective agency in Chernihiv

Are you concerned about information security of your business or you want to be sure about the safety of your family, you just have to make just one call to the detective agency in the city of Chernihiv. Yet enough people of this city can not trust until the end of our private detectives while in their lives comes a critical situation that forces have to resort to extreme measures. But it is worth noting that, as soon as the detective agency will be not the last hope, and the first solution to the situation and immediately many problems will be solved much faster. In this case, you can count on complete confidentiality on our part.

Search for missing people

Every day around the world, not only in our country, someone someone loses. This may be the disappearance of a loved one who left home and never came back, it may be a loss of contact with a business partner, with whom there are no other communication options. It is possible that you just want to restore the relationships with the people who theoretically could be your blood relatives, but that for some reason you have not seen yet. And whatever the situation is you, our services are aimed at tracing people will always be provided to you on time and in full. It is important in this case, in other matters, as well as any other that you have provided us with as much information about the person we need to find the last name or any other data from a common base.

It is important to understand that in case of sudden disappearances, the search should begin as soon as possible, so as not to lose valuable time. Reasons for missing people, there are a wide variety. And you never want to force the issue and come up with a scenario of what could happen. It is better to throw all the forces to search for relatives. But if you own some information on the subject of why people could disappear, it will be extremely important for our investigation. Sometimes people hide because of the reluctance to pay its debts, do not take the tube and change phones. But to find a person by phone number, even if he was replaced for us not be easy. Of course, give any guarantees certain until we give you the result, we will never become. Because it's better to just find someone you promise to do it. But we should not take their own attempts to search for people by name, even if you have access to all social networks and other resources that are actively used by many. In any case, without special knowledge and experience of our detectives you only lose precious time.

The relevance of a polygraph examination

We are confident that a polygraph test to a large extent will save you money and time. Lie detector is very popular today in the work of not only security, but also in the activities of the departments of Human Resources. In particular, this tool is widely used in hiring new employees who intentionally can hide some details of his biography, which play a not unimportant role. And the fact is that even if a person knows that he will have to pass such a test, he will not be able to prepare for it, because such training requires several years of incessant training.

Detection of listening devices

If you began to suspect that in your office or in the car could be eavesdropping, then dispel such suspicions can only professional inspection of premises to detect eavesdropping devices. Long-term experience of our specialists, using only modern equipment designed to detect wiretapping of mobile phones, and proven in practice each of our expert intuition - it's the best antiproslushka that never will a failure, but to search for bugs as effective as possible. We will help you to prevent any information gathering and surveillance of a person, no matter how professional spies who decided to arrange for your surveillance. Call us now to prevent leakage of information. And remember that the conduct of covert surveillance photo does not exclude the possibility of spies working on databases phones people. Therefore, our work must be comprehensive in that direction.

But the identification of infidelity husband or wife does not mean that your significant other you really change or what you show complete distrust of your loved one. Simply, it is fast enough method that allows to dispel any doubts in adultery, because of doubt and jealousy are not perfect. Our audit of allegiance clearly show the betrayal of her husband, or wife, or lack thereof. In the event that we will know that your wife does have a lover, then you will always be able to file for divorce because of infidelity women.





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