+38 (097) 900-03-81 @detectiveUkraine ua.detective ua.detective@bk.ru

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I always wondered, what can our detective agency and how they work. It turns out that a lot can and work quickly. It's time. Convinced itself. Addressed…

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It is not nice of me, but because everyone there. In general, I changed my wife - by accident. Was drunk at corporate. Morning to go home was terrible.…

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I am an entrepreneur and sometimes there are situations that friends ask for money borrowed. Never had any problems. But then a friend of mine just…

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Let us find out the location of the person on the phone

The mobile phone has already become quite commonplace, which is almost every purse and every pocket. But this device not only allows at any time to contact his owner, and he pretty much can "tell" about its owner.

We can help you keep an eye on the man on the phone

The people who are responsible for its disabled and elderly relatives, many more than we can imagine with you.

To detect the location of phone

You can not get through to your child to see how he was doing and where he is in principle? This sense of panic in these situations familiar to almost all parents either.


Detective agency in Ilyichyovsk


​Cooperation with the detective agency in Illichivs'k for most of our customers after their first contact with us becomes a permanent, stable and quite successful. And it is not dependent on who approach us - a private individual or a representative of a company. If you have never used the services of private investigators, then, perhaps it is now, and fell a chance that will allow you to purchase not only reliable and trusted partner in our face, but also to gain loyal companions, who are ready at any time to provide expert assistance. The specialists of our detective agency in Illichivs'k not always easy to solve your problem by providing the necessary information on a particular issue, reaching goals, but also to advise on issues related to how exactly you now take advantage of all these results. Of course, everything always depends on the specific situation. But most importantly, you will not have to understand all the reports provided by our polygraph or graphologist. If you have any additional questions, you can always ask them to us.

And since we touched polygraph activity, it is worth to say that this man is extremely valuable for anyone who wants to know the truth. Rather, the activities pursued using polygraph lie detector. Polygraph test should be carried out specialist who received special education. And here the question is not to know how to use a lie detector is a technical point of view, as well as its use in a particular situation. After the polygraph can be used as during investigations, in the interrogation of suspects and during interviews, when there is a selection of candidates for a particular position in your company. And he not only can be used in these situations, but must necessarily on our recommendation, if you really want to work in your company proven and reliable people. And since today's dynamic world, no time for natural selection, the better and effective means simply not found.

Not less necessary as part of any company and check the premises to detect listening devices, which is a whole range of activities carried out by our specialists. And the search for bugs that we are ready to implement at any time in your office, house, apartment, car or any other premises, also aims not only to ensure that detect wiretapping of mobile phones, but also to identify any other electronic device that can be used to conduct surveillance of a person. This service may be of interest not only to our corporate clients, but also those who are interested in the absence of any options leakage of information about their private life and social activities. This applies to artists, politicians and many others. And given the fact that today to gather information using spy equipment can even child, spyware can appear among your obsessive fans that you do not reciprocate. Therefore, surely you have in this situation and the need arises to use antiproslushki, which will be provided to our immediate work.

Search of friends, relatives, cheaters

Those who look to us to carry out search of people do it for a variety of reasons. And if the search is conducted not relatives in respect of missing persons, it is not within the competence of law enforcement. But even if they can spend the search of people, you do not always get to do it as quickly as possible. Therefore, our ability to find a person by phone number or search for the names of people are simply irreplaceable. And it is unlikely your independent attempts to find the right person by the name will bring the result, which can reach employees detective agency in Ilyichevsk. The more so because, as practice shows, ordinary people only use social networks, although for this purpose it is sometimes not enough and the database of our colleagues around the world.

Surveillance of the husband or wife

Naturally, the install surveillance for a husband or wife does not ask us from the banal curiosity, but because of the detection of infidelity husband or wife, the need for which arises also because of the emergence of suspicion that her husband is unfaithful. More often than not, to prove or disprove infidelity, we use photographic surveillance. In this case, our customers receive the most accurate information on their issues related to cheating husband or wife. And as a result of our examination of loyalty, people already can safely decide to divorce because of adultery with a woman lover.





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