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Physiognomic analysis
Psychological portrait of a man
Many people believe that only the eyes can learn something about the person, because it is a reflection of the eyes of the soul. In fact, this statement is largely a few lyrical. Very much on the nature and essence of man can tell his face. There is a separate teaching psychology - physiognomy, which allows to know the identity of the person through a careful analysis of his features. A portrait of a man make physiognomic experts can detective agency "Ukraine Private Detective."
We will be able to know the character facial features with direct meeting with the person or in his pictures or on video. Seized of the matter must only people having the necessary experience and expertise in this area to avoid possible errors. And this is not even one of the prime areas of work psychologists. To determine the nature of the face, it is necessary to examine separately physiognomy. Only in this case, you can get reliable data after analysis in respect of a particular individual.
Basis of psihoportreta is that the human psyche is projected all his physical body. Thus, the definition of human nature in the face is quite a powerful tool in the process of determining all its psychological and personality characteristics, as well as his mental state.
What you need to determine the nature of the face?
Due to the fact that it is not rare today have to make staff reductions in production, a very important moment for leadership in this process is not a mistake. Practice shows that the dismissal is made only in accordance with the parameters of the surface to which the human performance. More thorough analysis as candidates for reduction will allow employees to leave, which is more suited to continue its work within the company with regard to their creativity, stress and other important parameters that do not lie on the surface.
Learning the nature of facial features, you can avoid unnecessary cooperation with one or another potential business partner. Refer to the detective agency "Private detective Ukraine", and we will help you to find out as much information about absolutely any person whose psychological inner qualities you are interested. All information will be provided directly to the customer only, which excludes receive it by third parties. Also, your appeal to us will remain strictly confidential.