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Fingerprint examination, fingerprinting
Service fingerprint examination
In our modern times of great importance in forensic science to account, as well as search for persons who have committed a particular crime or suspected of committing the act plays fingerprinting. Fingerprinting can be done in Ukraine, as with survivors and with corpses.
Fingerprinting in Ukraine is a special section of criminology, which allows you to identify a person by examining his papillary patterns on the fingers. And this scientific method is widely used not only in law enforcement, but also a detective agency "Private detective Ukraine" because of its availability and necessary for the achievement of certain performance results.
Fingerprint examination is often used in our practice, as an additional service when investigating crimes, locating people and performing other tasks. Thanks to our cooperation with law enforcement authorities to fingerprint, we can not only identify the person, but to determine whether it is wanted.
Fingerprinting survivors
You can use this service at the detective agency "Private detective Ukraine" if, for example, in your company was stealing wealth. In this case, the fingerprinting would be an additional step to conduct polygraph test all employees of your company. With this you can assure all passing check that their fingerprints will not get to a common base, as long as the law is not provided, the procedure is mandatory and is conducted entirely by volunteers. But as a leader, you have every right to make their own measures to solve the crime, including to conduct fingerprinting of their employees.
Also do not rarely come to us citizens who have been victims of hacking machine or apartment and decided to conduct its own independent investigation of law enforcement agencies. Reasons for fingerprint examination can be myriad. And the usability of the detective agency "Private detective Ukraine" is that we do not ask too many questions, but only execute your order for fingerprint examination in Ukraine.
fingerprinting corpses
By and large, the main purpose of fingerprinting in this case is to establish the identity of the deceased. Fingerprinting also helps to establish the involvement of the victim to a particular crime. Quite naturally the question may arise as to which to resort to the detective agency, if all of these actions are the responsibility of law enforcement. All the matter is that, despite all the responsibility of public servants, because of the large amount of work always takes place to be an error. Additional information collected detective agency "Private detective Ukraine" can serve as a specific insurance in addressing a particular issue in the investigation.